Friday, November 14, 2008


File Under: Christmas cheer on a budget

My friends and I have proven that we're capable of extravagant gifts for the holidays and birthdays. Big parties have been thrown, trips have been taken, fancy dinners have been consumed. But now times are a bit different and we're all watching our wallets and pocketbooks.

All of my friends with whom I normally exchange Christmas gifts, have agreed that we will do Christmas on a budget this year. A maximum of $30 will be spent, handmade gifts are always welcomed. I love this idea, as it's easy to find "the perfect gift" and even thought it's expensive, you know it's just right for the recipient. With limits, thought is required and it sharpens the focus on the creativity. I think this is going to be fun. I've made a couple purchases. Today I'm off from work and my quest will continue. I've got my list, I'm checking it twice and I'm hitting the road.

What are your Christmas plans, and will your shopping habits be changed this year?


David Dust said...

I have already told my family that I will be scaling back CONSIDERABLY this year - and they should do the same for me.

One of the BEST gifts I get each year is a $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card from my Dad. Since we don't have Wal-Mart in NYC, I get to go on a PA shopping spree and buy a bunch of stuff that I will use all year: razors, vitamins, shampoo, socks, underwear, etc. It sounds mundane, but it is the gift I look forward to the most each year.

Gee, I hope Dad isn't scaling THAT back...


Angel said...

well, Iwant a new camera....But I don't think that's gonna happen!!!

But I always tell my kids to give me 3 things they really want...and I try to get those 3 things...within reason, of course. The 3 things can't be, like, 1. a car 2. a diamond ring 3.a trip around the world....or soemthing like that. I usually try to keep it at $200-250 per kid. But with 5 kids, that'a alot of money!! So far, the boys all want new phones ($100) and XBox games ($50 a pop)....we don't buy for neices and nephews, but I have 2 grandbabies that I love to spoil. And our mom's are gone this year so... :(

Anonymous said...

For years a group of us have had a get together and all bring something first class.
Then we exchange Christmas ornaments. Ove the years, many of us Have separate trees because the ornamens have really multiplied...think about 12 per year.
the fun is unofficial awards for e, best bargain, most original, handmade,and none of it matters. We make up a category for everybody to win.Lots of them are about shared expeiences or have some reference to events or characteristics of people. it may sound dull, but it is incredibly rich experience every year. A story comes with every search for the right ornament for the right people. we laugh and cry...cheaper and great for memories later on.
Charlie, maine